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Monday, January 28, 2013

Menu Plan Monday - Week of 1/28/13

It's going to be a busy week for my family, so I'm keeping dinner plans easy - really easy.  There is no sense planning meals that I know won't happen.  But, I don't want to resort to the drive-thru window or delivered pizza either.

Monday: Leftovers from last week

Tuesday: Breakfast as Dinner - Pancakes, Pork Sausage

Wednesday: Pork Steak, Baked Beans, Pineapple

Thursday:  Corn & Cheese Chowder

Friday: Crockpot BBQ Meatballs, Noodles, Frozen Veggie

Saturday: Hamburgers and Fries

Sunday: Chili, Cornbread and Super Bowl snacks

Whats for dinner at your house this week?

If you would like more meal planning ideas, visit Menu Plan Monday at


  1. I love breakfast for dinner. I have a belgium waffle maker that I didn't think I needed, but absolutely love having now. It's simple, and clean up is easy too. Have a great Monday!

  2. We love having breakfast for dinner!

  3. Happy MPM! I'm stopping by for a blog visit from Organizing Junkie today.
    Your menu sounds delicious. I love breakfast for dinner. Waffles and pancakes are my favorite!
    Stay warm!

  4. Hi All, Thanks for stopping by. We never spend time to fix breakfast in the morning, so it's a treat for dinner.

    Making Our Life Matter - What brand of Belgium Waffle Maker do you have. I hate to make waffles because my machine is so hard to clean up.

    BerryMorins - It's almost warm here today, after ice yesterday.
