This week I've used the 2 pocket folder as a filler in this scenario. At Walgreens, you can't use more manufacturer coupons than items, and a Register Reward is considered a manufacturer coupon. Don't worry about counting the in-ad coupons, because they don't have any affect on the count.
Take a look at this week's deals for where to find the coupons.
Transaction #1
purchase (1) Finish Dishwasher Detergent $3.49
use Finish coupon -$2.50
= .99 out of pocket + receive $1.00 Register Reward
Transaction #2
purchase (2) Special K Cereal $5.00
purchase (1) 2 pocket folder $0.39
use B1G1 coupon for cereal - $2.50
use in-ad coupon for folder -$0.20
use Register Reward from Finish -$1.00
= $1.69 out of pocket + receive $2.00 Register Reward
Transaction #3
purchase (1) Visine $3.99
purchase (1) 2 pocket folder $0.39
use Visine coupon -$2.00
use in-ad coupon for folder -$0.20
use Register Reward from Special K -$2.00
= $0.18 out of pocket + receive $1.00 Register Reward
Transaction #4
purchase (2) Reach Ultra Clean Toothbrushes @ $4.29 = $8.58
purchase (2) Stayfree Maxi Pads @$6.39 = $12.78
purchase (1) Johnson's Baby Products $2.99
purchase (1) 2 pocket folder $0.39
use B1G1 Reach coupon
use B1G1 Stayfree coupon -$6.39
use Johnson's Baby Product coupon -$2.00
use in-ad coupon for Reach -$4.00
use in-ad coupon for Stayfree -$6.00
use in-ad coupon for folder -$0.20
use Register Reward from Visine -$1.00
Items purchased:
1 box of dishwasher detergent
2 boxes of cereal
1 bottle of eye drops
2 toothbrushes
2 packages of Maxi pads
3 pocket folders
Total price before sales, coupons and rolling Register Rewards: $42.29
Total Out of Pocket:
Edit: The maximum value on the B1G1 Reach coupon is $3.99. Thanks, Staci!
FYI - On the Reach toothbrush Q, the max value is $3.99. Just got back from Wags and ended up paying $0.79 for two toothbrushes (they were $4.39 at my Wags). Still not a bad deal on tbs, but more than I had counted on paying and wanted to warn others.
Thanks Staci - I should have read the fine print on the coupon. Most of the time the max value on a B1G1 coupon is suggested retail price. Obviously Walgreens charges more than suggested retail price.
ReplyDeleteFor those not aware, Wags has begun a B$20 in selected Pepsi/Fritos-Lay products for a $10 RR. I saw a display at a couple stores with no real bargains. A two liter bottle are @1.69, while a bag if Doritos is @$3.33. The good new is this promotion last thru 2/7/10.
ReplyDeleteNow if there's an upcoming (Super Bowl) mail-in rebate, like in the past, we might be able to double dip.
Thanks kas - I hadn't seen that info. Let's hope for a good price on Pepsi/Frito-Lay and a rebate.
ReplyDeleteSearch around the net shows that Wags has a weekly sale on Pepsi/Frito-Lay items beginning the 17th. Might want to secure a few of those $1.00/4 hang tags that are on two liter bottles. Chips and salsa are @$2.50, except that B2 bags and get a free jar MQ ends on the 7th. There is a Coors NBPR B$30 and get a $10 check by mail deal, except so far it's a no-show around this area.
ReplyDeleteThanks kas for the dates on the Pepsi/Frito-Lay sales. It seems to me that the area has had fewer beer rebates around lately. I hope it is just temporary.
ReplyDeleteBe on the look out for bonus packs of Johnson & Johnson baby products! I found some 15oz lotions with a bonus 4oz of baby bubble bath/wash! That was an excellent buy for only $0.99!
ReplyDeleteI tried the use both coupons (B1G1 and $3 off) on two packages of Stayfree, and they wouldn't take the B1G1 coupon. Do these need to be used in a certain order?
ReplyDeleteI don't see where the $4 in ad coupon is. Is that available in Utah?
ReplyDeleteThanks, wacki!
ReplyDeleteB1G1 & $3 coupon - You should have been able to use a Walgreens and a manufacturer coupon on the same item. I have no problem when a cashier refused to take coupon to ask to speak to the manager. If they refuse to take both, I would either email or call corporate. (find contact inof on Walgreens web site) Walgreens managers do hear from corporate when you call them.
Utah - You might not get the same ad we do in St Louis. Have you ever called Walgreens corporate and asked why you don't get the bigger ad?
RE: Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteI tried the use both coupons (B1G1 and $3 off) on two packages of Stayfree, and they wouldn't take the B1G1 coupon. Do these need to be used in a certain order?
I have had a few problems with the stayfree deal last night but my cashier voided out the coupons and rang the b1g1 first, then the wags one. it worked great. I went to another wags today, and the cashier couldn't do it, called two managers over, they would not let me do it so I just said void my stuff and give me back my coupons. Went back to the wags I went to last night and it worked fine. I think it depends on who the cashier is :) I did the stayfree deal with the reach toothbrushes and jj baby..couldn't find the folder so had to use a different filler and only had to pay $2.20.
I love the Walgreens $5 Scenario's but have so much trouble with my coupons. I have even tried giving the mf ones first and still have problems. Sometimes the deal works fine and other times dont work at all. I do think it matters who's working. Some cashiers/managers act like your taking their money. Isn't everyone out to get a deal?? Anyways, I am new to this so I'll keep trying. SO far I have got a few really good deals and sometimes I have had to leave items as well. Love this site :)
ReplyDeleteI'm amazed at how different Waglreens can have such different attitudes towards couponers. I've walked away from some Walgreens before also. The good thing in St Louis is they are on about every other corner.
ReplyDeleteThe longer you coupon the more confidence you will have in using coupons and you will find a Walgreens that is coupon friendly.
I think some cashiers are anti-coupon because the deals look too good to be true. They just don't understand how you can walk out with bags of merchandise for almost no money.
Whenever there is an easy deal to explain I make sure I pass the info on to the cashier, such as the Chips Ahoy deal this week. When cashiers have taken advantage of a great deal you told them about, they start to like to see you walk in the store.
Keep working the Walgreens deals. You will find a store/cashier/manager that is good to work with.