I find myself writing many Walgreens posts each week, but that's a good thing because there are so many great deal. Hopefully, this page will make finding the information you're looking for much quicker and easier. Just click on Walgreens in the header and it will bring you to this landing page.
:: Walgreens ::
Thanks for making Walgreeens post easier to find. I love the transactions that you include!!!
ReplyDeleteYour welcome Jana. It was getting to the point where I couldn't even find the Walgreens info I was looking for on my own site.
ReplyDeleteI think I have finally figured out RR, and Wags in general. My question is regarding using multiple coupons. In order to receive RR for all of the product, the cashier needs to check them out in separate transactions. Sometimes I have cooperative cashiers and other times I don't. How do others handle this? Do you make multiple trips? I sometimes end up feeling sorry for them (?!) and cheat myself out of RR, such as the dishwasher detergent from a couple weeks ago. I had 5 coupons and only did 3 separate transactions, when a line formed behind me and it made me nervous and I checked the remaining two out at the same time. Dumb I know!
ReplyDeleteHi audannava,
ReplyDeleteWhen I want to do multiple transactions, I check out at the cosmetic counter. If the cosmetic clerk isn't at her register, I go and find her. I'll ask her to check me out because I have coupons and don't want to hold up the front cash register line. They've always been very agreeable. If you shop at Walgreens often, you will get to know them, and they will love to see how much money your saving.
Don't get nervous. Regroup if you need to - I have taken things to the car, gotten my next plan together and headed back in to shop.
That's a good idea. The few times I've checked out at the cosmetics, they are always so much more helpful than at the front. In fact, on Black Friday the gal said, Oh honey, let me tell you what to do--you are messing this up so bad. LOL! I wish Wags didn't make it so hard to do what their ad says you can do, you know..."it's like getting it for free!" Mentally I have the system down, but I get flustered when I have multiple transactions and my 4 little kids with me. Thanks for the advice and the blog; I read it every day.
ReplyDeleteYou're welcome. Four little ones do complicate the situation. Hang in there, you'll feel more confident the longer you coupon at Walgreens.
ReplyDeleteGotta share my experience yesterday...Bought the Contour Glucose Monitor with my coupon bringing it to zero then when my $5 RR printed out the cashier promptly crumbled it up and threw it in trash saying "you don't get this since it was already free" there were people in line behind me so I didn't question her...anyone else had this happen?
ReplyDeleteOh, no! At what Wags did you shop?? What I have experienced is Wags people at Hampton cor Chippewa not letting me use Wags Diabetes & You coupon with "outside" manufacturer's coupon. Looks like Wags are starting to have "very upsetting" coupon policy now.
ReplyDeleteGotta Share - Oh my! I hope you still have your receipt. Call corporate at 1-800-Walgreens and ask if the cashier was following correct procedure. The cahier's name is on the receipt. Keep us posted on what they say.
ReplyDeleteI'm sure this isn't what she was suppose to do.
Update on "Gotta share" I emailed corporate and got a phone call from the store manager within 4 hours apologizing and putting my coupon in the mail....satisfied customer!!! But why did the cashier even care...it printed out just hand it to me!!!
ReplyDeleteThat is good news Gotta Share. Hopefully the cashier was clueless and not digging Register Rewards out of the trash can for herself.
ReplyDeleteI am getting nervous about wags!! I was all excited to do a real roll with RR but after reading all f the problems I am second guessing...I hope my store is cooperative!! Do most people have issues there? Any tips to make the trip run smoothly?
ReplyDeleteHi Anonymous - Don't second quess yourself, just take the plunge of being a couponer at Walgreens. Everyone has had bumps along the road trying to use their coupons at Walgreens.
1. Plan your transactions before you go.
2. Take pen & calculator with you, so you can adjust your plan if you need to.
3. Check out at the cosmetic counter.
4. Leave the merchadise at the store and walk away if it isn't going as planned.
You won't know if your store/cashier is coupon friendly until you give it a try. Most people don't have problems shopping at Walgreens - but we just all talk about it when we do. I quess that is just human nature.
My friend had a cashier rip up $20 in RRs right in front of him! He promptly got a manager who re-rang his order and gave him the RRs. Cashiers never have the right to rip up or throw away RRs or coupons. They should explain to the customer why they think they cant give them, and a manager should get involved if there are any questions. If they still wont give the RRs, I'd return my whole order and remind the employees that I can spend my money at other stores.
ReplyDeleteWhy can't I highlight and copy/paste your coupon/RR deals? I tried to do this so I would have it in hand when I went to Walgreens, but couldn't get it to paste in Word. I had to type it out. This makes it easier than trying to remember what I am supposed to get.
ReplyDeleteHi Anonymous - I wish coping, pasting, and printing was easy to do with my post. I would set it up that way if I could, but since I'm on blogspot, I'm limited.
ReplyDeleteI'm able to copy and paste into word but the page prints blank unless I go into font and uncheck the hidden command. Others tell me the are able to paste into excell. I hope one of these ideas help you.
The Hidden box was unchecked in the Font section. I clicked Clear Formatting and some of the font printed. Excel worked though, so I will use it. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteHi Anonymous - I'm glad you found something that worked. I'm sure not the one to give advise on techie issues.
ReplyDeleteJeri, I just want to say thanks! I get the principle and sometimes can put together a couple of good deals, but my head nearly explodes!!
ReplyDeleteI have a whole lotta kids (bio/foster mom). Thanks because I can go through your blog, plan the trip after the kids are in bed, then I go FIRST thing in the morning, while I still have my (limited) wits about me.
Oh, today I got a bit flustered and forgot to hand over two coupons. The cashier (cosmetics) called the manager and did an adjustment. I didn't even have to ask! :-D
HUGE hugs!
Hi ArmyMomx2 - Hang in there. It gets easier the longer you shop at Walgreens.
ReplyDeleteI also had some bad experiences at Walgreens however you can't let the cashiers get the best of you. I have written several emails to corporate whenever I have a bad experience and their policy is to have the manager of the store call the customer and resolve the issue. I have noticed that some of the stores I complained about have changed how they treat me.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Ruth for sharing your experience. It always helps to hear what has worked for others.
ReplyDeleteI bought the Noxzema 4 pack razors today ($3.99 - $2 coupon from 5/23)for the $3 RR and saw there was a $2 coupon in the package. I opened the package I just bought and used it on the next package. If you get the razors during the 4 day sale, keep an eye out for the coupons in the package.
I forgot bread, so HAD to run to Walgreens again...they had 4 more packages of razors. Surprisingly the checker was patient as I ripped open the newly purchased razors and ran separate transactions. I made $6 plus have 6 packages of razors. Hurry - last day!
ReplyDeleteHi Jennifer - That is sure nice to hear about a patient cashier.
ReplyDeleteJeri - I sent out two care packages to my soldier sons yesterday. I had to tape them extra tightly to make sure the boxes didn't bulge.
ReplyDeletePostage was $12.50
the stuff was almost totally FREE!!!!!!!
My boys are in Afghanistan and don't have a PX near so they will be thrilled to get baby wipes and razors, deoderant and bath soap, eye drops and saline solution, candy and cookies, etc. What they don't need they will share with other "Joes".
Thank you thank you thank you THANK YOU for your help!!!
Hi ArmyMomx2 - You're welcome. I'm sure you sons and their buddies thank you. $12.50 is a small price to pay for such luxuries where they are at. Thank them for what they do for me.
ReplyDeleteMy Walgreens manager told me that if you use a coupon for an item that has a registry reward you may not get the registry reward. He said that he called headquarters and that it was new and random. He then rang the razor up at a different register, gave me the reward and did a return, so that i still had my purchase and my reward. Has anyone else heard of this?
ReplyDeleteHi Ralphs Family - I haven't heard that excuse specifically, but Walgreens managers are know to make anything up on the fly when a RR doesn't print. At least you got your RR. When I start hearing "the excuses" I find a different Walgreens to shop at.