Is my Sunday paper just missing the insert, or are the Target coupon insert only in selected papers? What have you finding?
Back on April 25th there was also a Target coupon insert, but I only have one in my file. If I remember correctly, the only paper I got the insert in was the one delivered to my home. I'm confused.
Like I said in a previous post, my home delivered "newspaper" only had the ad inserts--no paper--but it did have the Target insert. My hubby bought a couple more at the store and they both had the inserts too.
ReplyDeleteOne thing I did notice is that the SmartSource that we got in our "free paper" that is thrown in our lawn every week was a bit different from the one in the weekly paper.
I didn't get my paper this week so I don't know. I bought papers at Sam's and they had the insert. Also the ad only *paper* that gets delivered on Saturdays had the insert as well.
ReplyDeleteI live in St. Peters and got the Target insert in the paper delivered to my home. I will be buying another paper at QT so I'll see if its in there too.
ReplyDeleteMarketing, marketing, marketing!
ReplyDeleteIMHO, St. Louis City is viewed as a red headed step-child. If I recall right, when I got home delivery many ads were missing. Kmart is similar with the add bite that Target doesn't even have extra ads available in the county stores. Customer service expect you to view an ad posted under glass. Finally, I found more ads in the final (Sunday) edition sold at Dollar$, when compare to one sold on Saturday.
In regard to P-D view of The City, for the last couple weeks I found hundreds of Wednesday South City Journals pitched in a recyle box.
I got mine in my paper delivered to my house. I didn't get it last time though...
ReplyDeleteThe SS insert with the Sunday Journal often won't have certain MQ. One will never find Colgate-Palmolive MQ in that insert. Typically when one views the spine, it has a different F-XXX number, than the P-D insert. Back when the Valassis insert was in the Sunday Journal, normally it was simalar to the P-D one. Yes, I know the Red Plum delivered to a few households can differ; but again folks in St. Louis City ain't rich enough to get one.
ReplyDeleteI purchased 4 papers today and 2 were missing the red plum insert. is there anything I can do about that or do I just need to go buy 2 more? Just wondering?
ReplyDeleteLast time, I received the Target inserts in my home paper only. This time, the inserts were in my home delivery and in the papers I picked up in Florissant.
ReplyDeleteI picked up a Sunday paper at Walgreens this morning, and it had three coupon inserts including the Target one.
ReplyDeleteI didn't get the Target insert in any of my papers in SW Florida! :(
ReplyDeleteAgain, it best to rifle through a Sunday paper sold at a store. Like taking coupon off products that are on shelves, some will take inserts from other papers and add it to one they buy.
ReplyDeleteNow I have gone through 'banded' bundles of 'free' Sunday Journals and missing SS inserts is very infrequent. It is more likely the machine stuffed an extra insert.
My paper had the Target Coupons but not Red Plum incert.. :(
ReplyDeleteI just subscribed to the PD for the $.99 Sunday deal. I got my first paper today and had no coupons or ads at all!! Anyone know what that is about?
ReplyDeleteI live in St. Charles, but I went to Sam's Club in Chesterfield and bought 3 papers and they were in all 3.
ReplyDeleteOn Saturday I looked at Sams, Dollar Tree, and Deals. I only found 2 with the Target insert.
ReplyDeleteI did not receive the Target insert in my home delivered paper (same as last time). I'm thinking this week is a good time to buy an extra paper or 2, so I'll be sure to look through when I buy those!
ReplyDeleteThanks eveyone - Just call me Cinderella living here in the City. I've been wanting to go ask the neighbors if they got the Target insert, but they've been gone all day. I never get the freebie paper with inserts either.
ReplyDeleteI'm like kas. I always check every paper for the inserts before I buy them. I don't even try to be quiet about it. Before I buy papers at Deal$, and I take them over the frozen food case and lay them out and go through them.
If you didn't get inserts you should have this week, in a delivered paper, call the Post-Dispatch 314-340-8888, 6:30 am to 4 pm Monday-Friday, 7-11 am Saturady-Sunday, 7-10 am Holidays. Or, email homedelivery(at)post-dispatch)dot)com. They should make it right.
If you bought papers that were short inserts, you could always take them back, tell the store the problem and see if they will make it right.
Thanks everyone for your input.
Not delivered to my home on the IL side. I haven't searched the papers I purchased at Deals.
ReplyDeleteI didn't see a target insert in either of my papers. I bought one at dierbergs in So. county and one from a paper machine in the city. I am going to try to locate some more papers tomorrow - they usually have left over ones at the walgreens nearby. hopefully, they will have the insert.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous said...
ReplyDeleteI just subscribed to the PD for the $.99 Sunday deal. I got my first paper today and had no coupons or ads at all!! Anyone know what that is about?
--The Classifieds and Ads/coupons are delivered on Saturday. The rest of the paper is delivered on Sunday. (At least that is how our area St. Charles works) -- So maybe you didn't get the Saturday part??
No insert for me (63114) or my sis (63130). I received one last time, but my sis didn't. Who knows!
Failed to get a Sunday paper at Deal$ last night, given the employees were leaving about 10 minutes early. Went back today and got the last 'Final', which had five extra Walmart ads. No stated or written policy on MQ, which began today at Deal$.
ReplyDeleteWe might need to look for good buys w/MQ.
Hikas - I was at Deal$ last night and found out about them taking coupons too. I asked a manager if they were going to take IP's and he didnt' know the difference between coupons. I'm going back to scope out some prices. There could be some good deals.