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Monday, September 20, 2010

FREE Avocado Coupon

Here's a coupon for avocado lovers.

Sometime this afternoon, The Amazing Avocado will issue a coupon for a FREE Avocado on their Facebook page.

Follow Amazing Avocado on Twitter to get an update of when the coupon will be available.

Thanks, Beth at In Good Cents!


  1. Good luck using it anywhere local, lol!

  2. Twitter has had a virus today (Tues.) so I wouldn't go there....

  3. Coupon limit reached - offer no longer available.

  4. Yeah, so many stores on the Illinois side won't let you use a "free item" internet coupon. Who will take this?

  5. Hi Jessica - I agree an IP for a free product will not be easy to use. I would think the best bet would be to stop at Customer Service and ask to speak to the store manager/director and tell them where you got the coupon and ask them if they would accept it. If you have internet access on you phone you could even pull up the facebook page where it was offered.
