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Sunday, September 5, 2010

What To Do if Your Catalina Coupon Doesn't Print

Catalina coupons for money off your next shopping trip can make for fantastic deals. But, it's quite aggravating if you don't receive the coupon at checkout. All is not lost if your Catalina coupon didn't print. Here are a few strategies to fix the problem.

Before you Shop
  • Take a stroll down cashier row. Look for the checkout lanes where the Catalina machine's lights are green. If the Catalina machine has a red light, the machine is not working. Picking a checkout lane where the machine is working won't solve every problem, but it will at least solve one of them.
Advertised Catalina Coupon Deals - In store ads or on shelf tags.
  • The Customer Service desk at the store should be able to fix the problem. To make this process as quick as possible, have the ad and your receipt in hand. Show them what you purchased and what you were suppose to receive. They will have to scan at least one of the items you purchased to force the Catalina coupon to print. Sometimes, they may just hand you the cash instead. I've had that happen before when they want to deal with the problem.
Unadvertised Catalina Coupons - The Customer Service desk will likely have no information available to them about this deal. They won't be able to answer questions you might have. There are a couple of things you can do.
  • Confidently go to Customer Service and tell them you were suppose to receive a Catalina coupon. Tell them exactly what you were suppose to receive and what you bought that was suppose to trigger the coupon. Ask them to re-ring the products so your Catlaina will print. Chances are, if you are confident about the offer, they won't question your information and will do as you requested. It never hurts to ask.
  • Call Catalina Marketing (877) 210-1917, option 1.(Give it at least 24 hours after you shop to call so they have the data.)   Have your receipt in hand when you call. Tell them what you were suppose to receive. They will ask where you shopped and for the reference numbers on your receipt. They will research the problem and can tell if you qualified to receive the checkout coupon. They'll mail you a coupon if you qualified.
I was impressed with the service I received this week when I called Catalina Marketing. I was on the phone only a couple of minutes. They told me where to find the reference numbers on my receipt and was quickly able to tell I had qualified for the checkout coupon. They took my mailing address and gave me a reference number. I was told to expect my coupon in six to eight weeks, but it might arrive sooner depending on how busy their fulfillment department was. I called on Wednesday and received my coupon in Saturday's mail. The coupon expires three weeks from when the envelope was postmarked. Wow! That was fast and easy.


  1. I have a catalina question. My catalina says one coupon per purchase. Is that only for the brand, or am I limited to one catalina of any kind in one purchase?

  2. Hi Anonymous - I'm not sure I understand what you are asking, but here goes.

    If it's a Catalina coupon for $ off your next order. You can use multiple of those coupons on a transaction. But, I've never tested what would happen if you had (10) $1 Catalina good on your next order and wanted to purchase (1) $10 item.
