New to shopping at Dierbergs? Check out their coupon policy and price guarantee HERE.
Take a look at this week's Dierbergs' ad.
:: Coupon Match-Ups ::
Prairie Farms Yogurt (6 oz. cup) - $0.50
B2G1 Prairie Farms Yogurt printable coupon
= $0.33 each wyb 3 after coupon
B1G1 Marzetti Refrigerated Salad Dressing (12-15 oz) - $3.99
$1/1 Marzetti Simply Dressed Salad Dressing - 9/11/11 SS (use 2 on a B1G1 sale)
= $1.00 each wyb 2 after coupons
Progresso Traditional Soup (18.5-19 oz) - $1.33
$1/4 Progresso Soup printable coupon
$1/4 Progresso Soup - 10/02/11 GM and 10/23/11 SS and 9/11/11 GM (expires 11/5)
= $1.08 each wyb 4 after coupon
Coffee-Mate Flavored Creamers (16 oz) -$2.00
$0.55/1 Coffee-Mate Liquid or Powder Creamer printable coupon
$0.50/1 Coffee-Mate - 10/30/11 RP
= $1.45 to $1.50 after coupon
Quaker Instant Oatmeal (8-12 ct) - $2.50
$1/1 Quaker Instant Oatmeal Chocolate Chip or Honey Bun Flavors - October All You Magazine (if included in sale)
= $1.50 after coupon
Hot Pockets (6.5-9 oz) - $2.00
$1/2 Hot Pockets printable coupon
$1/3 Hot Pockets Brand Sandwiches - 8/21/11 SS
= $1.50 to $1.67 each after coupon
Langer's Juice (64 oz) - $2.50
$0.55/1 Langer's Juice printable coupon (Facebook)
= $1.95 after coupon
Sara Lee Honey Wheat Bread (20 oz) - $2.29
$0.55/1 Sara Lee Wheat Bread - 10/23/11 RP
= $1.74 after coupon
Keebler Chips Deluxe Cookies (11-16 oz) - $2.49
$0.55/2 Keebler Cookies - 9/18/11 RP
= $2.22 each wyb 2 after coupon
Prairie Farms Old Recipe or Homestyle Churn Ice Cream (56 oz) - $3.33
$0.50/1 Old Recipe Ice Cream printable coupon
$0.50/1 Homestyle Churn Ice Cream printable coupon
= $2.83 after coupon
PF Chang's Meals (22 oz) - $6.99
$1/1 PF Chang's Home Menu Meals for Two printable coupon
= $5.99 after coupon
:: Whole Life Natural & Organic ::
Pacific Broth (32 oz) - $2.50
$1/1 Pacific Broth printable coupon
= $1.50 after coupon
Barbara's Puffins Cereal (10-11 oz) - $3.49
$1/1 Barbara's Product printable coupon
= $2.49 after coupon
So Delicious Coconut Milk (64 oz) - $3.49
$1/1 So Delicious Coconut Milk printable coupon
= $2.49 after coupon
:: Other Good Deals ::
B1G1 Baby Peeled Carrots (1 lb. bag) - $1.99
B1G1 Medium Yellow Onions (3 lb. bag) - $2.99
B1G1 Idaho Russet Potatoes (5 lb. bag) - $2.99
B1G1 Natures Sweet Sunburst Tomatoes - $3.99
Tostitos Tortilla Chips (9-13 oz) - $1.99
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