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Monday, October 12, 2009

The Real Meal Deal

Did you see this offer advertised in Sunday's SmartSource insert?

Purchase five (5) participating frozen products - Hungry-Man, Mrs. Paul’s, Van de Kamp’s, Duncan Hines Oven Ready, Aunt Jemima or Lender’s Bagels between 10/11/09 and 11/9/09.

Submit form available HERE, and receive (5) $1 coupons.

Coupons available:
$1.50 off Mrs. Paul's - internet printable HERE (30013 zip)
$1.50 off Van de Kamp's - internet printable HERE (77477 zip)
$1 off 2 Aunt Jemima Mix or Syrup - internet printable HERE
$1 off 2 Aunt Jemima Mix or Syrup - 8/30/09 RP


  1. Mrs Pauls and Van de Kamps are both on sale for $3.99 this week at Schnucks.

  2. Anyone know if there is a way to figure out what the five $1 Qs are for? Not worth the stamp if it's for products we don't eat.


  3. Staci - I know they have ran this offer before, but I dont' usually purchase the products required, so I've never sent in for these coupons.

    If I had receipts for them I would gamble my stamp for a better return.

    Hopefully someone knows.
