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Monday, February 1, 2010

CVS Rainchecks

With only 4 stores open in St Louis, CVS having the really good deals in stock is going to be a continual problem. Even when they open more stores, it might still be a problem. But, CVS has a great Raincheck policy - make sure you ask for one when they are out of stock on an item.

CVS Rainchecks:

  • Do not expire
  • Can be used at any CVS location
  • Extra Bucks will be issued upon Raincheck redemption

Advantages of having a Raincheck:

  • Let CVS store your stockpile
  • A coupon, or better coupon might become available
  • You might have a $/$$ store coupon to use when you redem your Raincheck

Organizing tips:

  • Clip the picture & info from the ad and attach it to your Raincheck. This way, you won't have to remember (or decipher the cashiers hand writing) on which exact product it is for.
  • If you see a coupon for a Raincheck item, clip it and attach it to it. You will have everything you need when the item comes in.
  • Keep all CVS Rainchecks (with ad attached) and your matching coupons in a envelope labeled CVS.

Once you have a stash of rainchecks, it really doesn't matter if they have the current weeks deals in stock. You will be able to find a great deal spend your ECB's on.


  1. Hi - I just saw a sign that says they are building another CVS in St. Louis. It's on the corner of Clayton Rd. & Henry Rd. in west county.

  2. Hi Jina - Thanks, I've heard CVS purchased land in Florrisant and that they wanted to build in the Central West End, but neighbors were against it because Walgreens was less than a block away.

  3. Thank you for this information!!! I had no idea about the ECB's with the raincheck!

  4. I got to use a rain check from last week & I finally found something from this ad in stock!! WOO HOO...I like CVS now :) Just have to use some patience..LOL

  5. Hi Rachel - I'm glad you didn't give up on CVS. With only four stores CVS will probably take lots of patience.
