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Saturday, March 5, 2011

New Walmart Coupon Policy

I need to say, I'm not a Walmart shopper. I don't live close to one, the few times I've shopped there, I didn't find fantastic deals, and I've heard about enough coupon nightmares not to make a trip to "cherry pick" only to have problems at the register .

Yesterday, Walmart published a new Coupon Policy.  Wow, I might need to about becoming a Walmart shopper.

A few of the most enticing changes.
  • Walmart accepts checkout coupons (also called "Catalinas") that are printed at our competitors' registers, have "Manufacturer Coupon" with specific requirements printed on them, a valid remit address for the manufacturer, valid expiration date, and a scannable bar code.
  • Coupons may exceed the price of the item.  Change may be given or applied toward the cost of the basket purchase.
  • Walmart accepts competitor's coupons that feature a specific item for a specified price.
If you're a Walmart shopper, print the new policy and take it with you.

A year ago or so,  Target changed their coupon policy - only to change it a few weeks later.  I hope this policy sticks at Walmart.

Thanks, Allison!


  1. I have lots of gain coupons left... May have to take them in today and see how tthis works :)


  2. I do not see anything about internet coupons. Any word on those?

  3. I'm curious if this means Walmart will let us use RRs that are for money off on the next purchase, since they meet all the requirements of the catalinas as shown above. If my total is $10, will they let me pay with $10 in RRs and pay no OOP? If anyone tests this out, let us know.

    Anonymous - Walmart will take internet printed coupons as long as they "are legible, have manufacturer coupon printed on them, have a valid remit address for the manufacturer, valid expiration date, and have a scannable bar code". They will not take printed coupons for Free items.

  4. Hi All - Make sure you click on the link and take a look at the entire policy. I just high lighted a few items.

    CJ - Yes, I've been thinking about the Catlaina policy ever since I posted this. At first I though Woo Hoo! $$ off RR from Walgreens, but the policy says "specific reauirements" I wonder now if that means RR/Cats for items and not $$ off? I guess we'll see in the next few days as people around the country test the new policy.

  5. It also says that coupons MAY EXCEED the value of the item purchased and they can give you cash back or apply it to other items you purchased? AWESOME. Walmart has always given me the full value of my coupons and applied it to other items, but I've never tried to get CASH BACK lol.

    I had a down down coupon week and was ready to give it up because of my down experiences, but NOW THIS AWESOME COUPON POLICY. I've not ever really had any problems at Walmart using my coupons, so this is awesome.

    A few weeks ago I had $250 worth of RR built up after doing a bunch of MM'ers. I could have been halfway to an Ipad price. Man.

    OK, I'm back :D
    Thanks Wally's!!!!

  6. Hi All,

    Jeri I was right there with you doing the WooHoo but then reread the part about "specific requirement" meaning -$? off X Product and not any actual $$ off RR. =( But the written policy on Overage just rocks--only if WM keeps to their part of the policy. =)

    Have a great day to All.

  7. Hi couponmama--

    I am sooooo glad you cked in =)

  8. She's back!!! Hi Couponmama.

    I know you've had a few rocky weeks in life let alone couponing. But, here is my nagging Mom advice.

    My husband had an ungodly amount of student loans when we got married. It was a struggle for years. I could kick myself now that I didn't know how much couponing could have helped pay those off sooner. And then we could have saved for our kid's college.

    There are a lot of thing in life(jobs, kids, couponing) that you just want to throw your hand up in the air and say, "I'm done." But you can't if you are looking at the big picture.

    Mom's done nagging now :)

  9. I am thinking that they will not take RRs or ECBs:

    "Walmart does not accept the following coupons:
    * Competitors' coupons for dollars/cents or percentage off, buy one get one free, and double- or triple-value coupons"

  10. Hi Carissa - I agree the surely won't take ECB's. But Register Rewards are really Catalina coupons by a different name. So who knows how that one is going to shake out. I'm sure readers will start reporting back in with their experiences.

  11. Guys---they will take wags RR's (read their facebook Q&A from their company spokesperson). They also take cats for specific products.

    Only on competitor coupons (i.e., walgreens in ad coupons or like target coupons) will they not take cents off coupons--they have to be for a specific price.

    Probably not ECB.

    Jeri- thanks for the advice. Student loans are the dirty little secrets of the professional degrees. If I polled my classmates on whether or not they would get their degree again knowing what they know now about the degree and student loans vs the reality of the job market, I bet 75% would say no. We really are doing whatever we can to lift the burden off our shoulders. It was just a nasty week--stores are getting pompous, and I am a bit proud and principaled and want to "take a stand" against something if I perceive being treated poorly, KWIM.

  12. I used Walgreens Register Rewards at the WalMart in Lake Saint Louis today. The cashier brought over the assistant manager and he had her scan them. They scanned fine and he told her to put them in the drawer and treat them as cash. SWEET! Pre-couponing, I used to shop there several times a week, but now that I'm a coupon shopper, I rarely go there. With this change in policy, WalMart has won a customer back!

  13. Hi Gloria - So, they did take a RR for $1 off your next purchase?

    Hi Couponmama - I looked through Walmart Facebook page and couldn't find the reference stating they take RR (help!) I couldn't get past all the horor stories.

  14. The Walmart Facebook discussion is on their "Feedback" button page. Look for: "Register rewards being used at walmart?"!/walmart?v=app_144421742246079

  15. Thanks, Anonymous! After reading quite a bit of the discussions, I'm not sure the Walmart employee answering questions really understands what RR are (dollar amount off your next purchase) I hope what they are saying is what actually happens.

  16. Actually it was several RRs: $5 (nasogel), $3(Colgate), $3 (Baby Magic), $2 (Always). They started to look for the product and I explained it was "off your next in store purchase" not off those specific products and read the policy. It was a little nerve-wracking because it's a new policy for the people who work at WalMart and it will be a while before they learn how to process them. The people I talked with were intelligent and patient and just wanted to do the right thing. I hope I came across the same way.

  17. Hi Gloria - From reading the discussion boards, I feel sorry for the Walmart employees. It sounds like they got no info on the new coupon policy. Including the Walmart person answering the questions on Facebook that really didn't know what a Walgreens RR was.

  18. One more thing. Retail organizations should hire a couponer as a consultant to look at policies and advise them on what the policy acutally says and see if it's what the retailer wants to happen.
