Last week's Walgreens Scenario left you with a $4.50 Register Reward. Here is how I would use it this week. If you're not starting with the Register Reward, this is still a good scenario to get you started at Walgreens.
Check out all of this week's Walgreens deals HERE
Transaction #1
(1) Complete Multi-Purpose Solution $7.99
(1) Carefree Pantiliners, 22 ct $1.49
(1) Hunt's Tomato Sauce, 8 oz. $0.99 (needed as filler to use Register Reward)
(1) Complete Multi -Purpose coupon (5/16/10 RP) -$2.00
(1) Carefree coupon (4/25/10 SS) -$1.00
Walgreens in-ad coupon for Hunt's Tomato Sauce -$0.74
Walgreens in-ad coupon for Carefree Pantiliners -$0.50
Register Reward from last week -$4.50
= $1.73 + tax out of pocket and receive $8.00 Abbott Laboratories Register Reward
Transaction #2
(4) Sandies Cookies @2.50 = $10.00
(1) Goody Ouchless Barrette or Flex Tip Headband $2.99
(4) $1 printable coupon for Sandies (IE Link or FireFox Link)-$4.00
Register Reward from Abbott Laboratories -$8.00
= $0.99 + tax out of pocket and Receive a $5 Kellogg's and $3 Newell Rubbermaid Register Reward
Transaction #3
(1) Ironman Muscle Rub or Spray $5.99
(1) Scrubbing Bubbles Extend-A-Clean $7.99
(1) Hunt's Tomato Sauce $0.99 (needed as filler to use Register Reward)
(1) Scrubbing Bubbles Extend-A-Clean (4/11/10 SS) -$5.00
Walgreens in-ad coupon for Hunt's Tomato Sauce -)0.74
Register Reward from Kellogg's -$5.00
Register Reward from Newell Rubbermaid -$3
= $1.23 + tax out of pocket and receive $5 Mentholatum and $2 S C Johnson Register Reward
Items Purchased
(4) packages of cookies
(1) bottle of contact solution
(1) package of pantiliner
(1) bottle of cleaner
(1) hair accessory
(1) bottle of muscle rub
Total retail price before sales: $50.59
Total out of pocket: $3.95 + tax for a 92% savings
And $7 in Register Rewards to start next week
If you didn't start with the $4.50 Register Reward, you still spent only $8.45 for a 83% savings
Thankyou so much for these lists. I really appreciate them.
ReplyDeleteThis week, I see that you bought 4 cans of tomato sauce in total at the bottom of the screen, but I can't see where you need 4 cans. Only see need for 3.
ReplyDeleteA heads up for your readers. I noticed that 3 of the Walgreens in the West County area (that sell beer/wine) have a sign for a MIR for Miller and Coors and a tearpad rebate for $10 back when you spend $15 on "basket items" which excludes tobacco, gift cards, and prescriptions. It says no alcohol purchase necessary. The form is kind of confusing as to what is a "basket purchase"...I assume it's anything that's not one of the excluded items. Also, I'm not sure if the "basket purchase" of $15 is before or after coupons.
Here's the terms:
Front says, "Save $10 after mail-in rebate off the purchase of $15 of total basket items* compliments of Coors Light, Coors Banquet and [yellow tail] wine
Must be 21 or older to participate. See reverse side for details and mail-in form. Maximum $10 rebate per address/household. No beer or wine purchase required.
*Excludes alcohol beverages, tobacco, gift cards and prescriptions."
Back says, "Refund conditions: purchase by consumer must occur between 5/1/10 and 5/31/10
Send: 1. This original rebate certificate (no photocopies)
2. Original dated, store-identified cash register reciept(s) (no photocopies) with $15 total basket purchases circled.
Also, there is a $1 IP for the ironman spray making it cheaper. To get it go Go to http://www.ironmanmuscle.com/fanfare.php and go to right corner sweepstakes box. Click on "Enter to win" , fill out form, it will then take you to a page where you can print $1 off one Ironman pain mgmt product. Hit back to print 2x it expires 7/21/10.
ReplyDeleteHi Jan - My math skills aren't really as bad as they look here, but my fingers have a mind of their own some days. Thanks for catching my mistake.
ReplyDeleteJulie - Thanks a bunch for the Ironman coupon.
ReplyDeleteGood news to hear you found the beer rebates at Walgreens. Some readers had found them earlier in the month and they had the same questions you did. Check out the comment section of this post -
Hope this info helps and there is usually a phone number on the beer rebates to a rebate center. Call them with your questions to clarify.
Another FYI, I hit up 3 Wags in West County early this morning, and most of them do not have the Ironman muscle stuff on the shelves. I asked a manager about it and he said he was looking for it, but could not find it, and that it would be out in a day or so because he knew he ordered 1,000 of it. Also, most have limited to no supply of the goody hair products.
ReplyDeleteMake sure to ask about the Ironman, one store had it on the shelf with the other muscle rubs. At a different store, I ask and she found some high on a shelf in a different aisle. She said they didn't have a spot for it yet.
ReplyDeleteHi Julie and Judy - I stopped at two Waglreens yesterday and talked to managers at each store. One had no idea whatIronman was and obviously didn't have it in stock and didn't know if he would be getting it in before the end of the week. The second on looked at me like I was crzay when I asked if they had gotten it in yet and took me to a whole shelf of them. Some store are obviously getting the product and others not.
ReplyDeleteThe store I found it at is one of the higher volume stores (one with a Take Care Clinic.) I wonder if Walgreens had limited stock if the shipped this product to their higher volume stores only. But then again, most of my theories are wrong when I try to guess why retatilers do what they do.